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Local Government Transparency

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 require Parish Councils to publish information about financial affairs and procedural policies.  As a very small Parish Council with an annual turnover far below the £25,000 per year threshold, Bilsdale Midcable Parish Council (BMPC) is not required to submit to formal external audit.

The following is a list of documents that we have made available online.  More detailed information is available, given reasonable notice, from the Parish Clerk, Mrs J Gamble (bmpc.clerk@gmail.com).

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2024.  The notice Of Public Rights to inspect the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for Bilsdale Midcable Parish Council can be found   Here

BMPC Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2024, Certificate of Exemption. Here

BMPC Standing Orders 2024. Here

BMPC Financial Regulations 2024.  Here

BMPC Annual Risk Assessment 2024.  Here

BMPC Asset Register March 2024.  Here

BMPC Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2024, Internal Audit Report.  Here

BMPC Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2024, Governance Statement.  Here

BMPC Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2024, Accounting Statements.  Here

BMPC Annual Bank Reconciliation, receipts & payments and explanation of year on year variances 2023-24.  Here